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Abraham Hicks, a prominent figure in the world of spiritual growth and the Law of Attraction, offers profound insights into overcoming resistance in life. Resistance, according to Abraham Hicks, is the misalignment of one’s thoughts and emotions with their desires. It is the mental and emotional friction that prevents individuals from achieving their goals and living in harmony with their true selves. Here’s a closer look at Abraham Hicks’ perspective on overcoming resistance and aligning with the life you desire.

1. Understanding Resistance

Abraham Hicks explains resistance as the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that contradict your desires. For example, if you desire financial abundance but frequently think, “I’ll never make enough money,” those negative thoughts create resistance. This resistance blocks the flow of energy and prevents the manifestation of your desires. Identifying these contradictory beliefs is the first step in addressing resistance.

2. The Power of Alignment

According to Abraham Hicks, alignment is the key to overcoming resistance. Alignment means harmonizing your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your desires. When you are in alignment, you feel positive emotions such as joy, excitement, and gratitude. These emotions act as indicators that you are on the right path and open to receiving what you desire.

3. Focusing on What Feels Good

Abraham Hicks emphasizes the importance of focusing on what feels good to overcome resistance. They suggest that your emotions are a powerful guidance system, steering you toward alignment. By deliberately choosing thoughts and activities that evoke positive feelings, you naturally reduce resistance and allow the Universe to deliver your desires. Whether it’s spending time in nature, practicing gratitude, or pursuing a hobby, prioritizing joy is essential.

4. The Art of Letting Go

Letting go of the need to control every detail of your life is another fundamental principle in Abraham Hicks’ teachings. Resistance often stems from trying too hard to make things happen. Instead, Abraham Hicks encourages individuals to trust the Universe and release the need for specific outcomes. By surrendering and allowing events to unfold naturally, you align yourself with the flow of life.

5. Practicing Visualization and Affirmations

Visualization and affirmations are powerful tools to overcome resistance. Abraham Hicks advises vividly imagining your desired outcome and immersing yourself in the feelings associated with its fulfillment. Similarly, affirmations help reprogram your subconscious mind to replace negative beliefs with empowering ones. These practices align your energy with your desires and reduce resistance.

6. Trusting the Process

Abraham Hicks reminds us that manifestation is a process, not an instant result. Trusting the timing of the Universe and maintaining faith in your ability to create your reality is essential. Even when faced with challenges, staying focused on your desired outcome helps diminish resistance and keeps you moving forward.

7. Reframing Challenges

Abraham Hicks encourages viewing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Resistance often arises when individuals perceive difficulties as insurmountable. By reframing challenges as necessary steps in your journey, you shift your perspective and dissolve resistance.


Overcoming resistance, according to Abraham Hicks, is about aligning with your true desires, focusing on joy, and trusting the Universe. By understanding resistance and implementing these practices, you can clear the path to manifesting a fulfilling and abundant life. The journey to overcoming resistance is a deeply personal one, but with consistent effort and faith, it leads to profound transformation and empowerment.